I visited Holland for the first time in July, where the incredible business woman and photographer Yvonne van Dalen hosted my final Authentic Newborn Workshop of the summer. From the moment she picked me up at the airport every detail of the workshop, much like every detail of her studio, was perfect. Touring her space I felt a moment's pang of envy at how immaculate and polished her studio was. It really is beautiful and you can see in every aspect the dedication and vision that she has put into it.

After introducing Yvonne to the 3 Stand In Babies that I brought with me and in return being introduced to her delightful children, we set off for dinner & drinks, and the first meeting with two of the workshop participants. 

Over dinner we had the chance to get to know each other and talk about where we were in our journey, and the ladies shared some of their hopes and fears.

On to shoot day. Of course, the models that Yvonne arranged were wonderful! Baby Nena was just gorgeous and her mum was lovely. Everyone had a chance to practise the Authentic Flow Posing Workflow, with the Stand In Babies and then see and photograph it in action with Nena. We talked about the value of Authenticity in business and how it impacts your search for your dream clients.

All behind the scenes photo credit to Yvonne van Dalen.
